Mother Nature has given us a lot more than we could ask for

Even in today’s age of modern scientific developments, hordes of people still prefer to go back to the basics and treat their ailments with remedies that have been used from ages.

Recently, a lot of research and development has been put into the idea of using alternative remedies to cure ailments. And because of this, natural remedies are becoming very popular as they use a variety of exotic herbs and plant extracts, medicines which are devoid of any chemicals are available in the market.

A lot of doctors recommend medicines that contain natural elements as the chemicals used in many allopathic medicines can lead to various side effects.

There are many such elements that are hailed by doctors for their medicinal value. One of the most popular ingredients that people use the most when it comes to natural alternatives is cod liver oil, which, due to its. But before you use this remedy, there are certain things that you need to know about it.

Some of the important things to keep in mind before you use Cod liver oil is:


High Blood Pressure - Natural Remedies

For patients who suffer from high blood pressure, kidney diseases and triglycerides, this medicine is very effective. But it is essential to consult your doctor on dosage of such natural remedies, and whether or not you can consume it, as there might be certain side effects if your body is not suited to the medicine.


There is a common myth that it is used to cure depression or heart disease. There is very limited evidence for this and thus should not be considered as a serious medicine for such ailments.


The dosage of the suppository should be considered before you take it. Never take any dosage that is above the recommendation of your doctor. This can lead to several problems like nosebleeds or heartburn or even the lowering of blood pressure in certain people, so always be precise when it comes to dosage.


Normally, this medicine is widely available as a suppository medicine, i.e. in the form of pills. But it is available in its original liquid form as well. Make sure to buy according to your preference and doctor’s recommendation.


Make sure you only opt for a genuine and well recognized brand which has been in the market for a long time and has been approved by a medical board. If you use spurious products, they can either be ineffective or may even lead to drastic side effects.

Natural Remedies


Always make sure to buy from a chemist rather than buying from a source like Online stores, agents etc. Buying medicines online can lead to various issues like quality and tampering. So, it is better to consult a doctor as well as a trained pharmacist before you go ahead and make a purchase.

There has always been a lot of debate about the usage of alternative medicines, but if it suits your body, then it may just be what you require. Alternative solutions like Cod liver oil, are not only proven to be medically beneficial, but are also widely accepted by people all around the world.

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